...A journey of mind body and spirit  
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T'ai Chi Ch'uan



Are there any health precautions for T'ai Chi Ch'uan or Chi Kung?

Both T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung are gentle exercises with few risks. However, if you are older, have a health condition, or have not exercised in a long time, please tell your health care provider if you want to try either of these practices. Think of both as complements to Western medicine, and not replacements for it.

In general, use caution if you are pregnant or if you have a joint problem or severe osteoporosis. It is best to not do T'ai Chi Ch'uan or Chi Kung right after eating, if you are very tired, or if you have an active infection.

Do I need to wear any special clothes?

No special equipment or uniform is required, you only need wear loose comfortable clothing, and flat soled shoes are recommended.

What about breathing?

In T'ai Chi Chu'an, beginners are not taught to breathe in any specific way, other than his or her normal way. The reason for this is that they first need to learn the complete form properly while trying to relax the body, as they attempt to move in an entirely different way.
Eventually, with time and practice, body and breath naturally become relaxed and coordinated with the long slow movements of Ta'i Chi Ch'uan.

©2013 TheHeartofTaiChi.com


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