...A journey of mind body and spirit  
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   ....................................................................................................................................... relaxation I meditation I visualization
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T'ai Chi Ch'uan

T'ai Chi Ch'uan is an ancient Chinese martial art which is taught as a series of meditative and self-healing movements based on Chinese teachings which are over 6,000 years old.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan combines movement, meditation and breath to enhance the flow of vital energy in the body. When the "chi" or energy is directed through the body the mind and the spirit,  it improves blood circulation, boosts the immune system and promotes health, fitness, and longevity. The slow, rhythmic movements are very effective in returning the skeletal structure, muscles and organs to their natural alignment, and improving strength and balance. Memory and mental focus increase and mental stress is noticeably reduced.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan cannot be taught by words alone. It cannot  be learnt by imitation alone.. it is an art that is best learned by listening, observing and studying under the watchful eye of an experienced  T'ai Chi Ch'uan master. T'ai Chi Ch'uan is such a valuable asset, it deserves to be learnt through correct instruction.

Through T'ai Chi Ch'uan, the mind body and spirit learn to work in unison with each other, so that it is difficult to know where one starts and the other ends. This experience is not limited to the tai chi class, the sense of harmony and  well being spreads into all other areas of life, improving patience, understanding and health.

Many medical conditions have been alleviated even cured  through the practice of T’ai Chi Ch’uan. T'ai Chi Ch'uan has so many beneficial aspects to it. New medical studies are now discovering  what T'ai Chi Ch'uan practitioners have claimed  for many years. . To see some of the studies and their findings please visit this page ....
The mental and physical benefits, are accumulative and may not be  apparent initially. However,  even beginners soon understand that the overall effect of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is truly unique. It is not just about training each individual body to move in a certain way, it is about a group of people experiencing T'ai chi chuan together, as a whole, connecting, watching, helping each other, and  ultimately moving in unison, sharing and learning from each other. Collectively they look in the same direction as they practice and perform their moves in sync and yet soon, they are able to perform independently. There are no black belts in tai chi, no competition, nothing to prove , everyone is on the same journey, all are striving to the same end, a desire to master and enjoy  the art of T'ai Chi Ch'uan.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan requires great attention, concentration and regular  practice. It is not something to be learnt overnight. The different positions and the sequence of movements that make up T'ai Chi Ch'uan represent the actual form - the art of movement.

In the beginning, the movements may seem  complex, and physically challenging and often awkward to grasp - in just the sameway learning something new and unfamiliar is always difficult at first. As with any new  skill  expert  training is essential. This is especially true with T'ai Chi Ch'uan.  It is important to learn a proper posture so that as the moves becomes easier with time and practice, they will begin to feel so natural and comfortable, so that the body and mind may come into a harmonious whole.

Part of the perceived difficulty in learning T'ai Chi Ch'uan arises because of the need to  perform each move so...very...very....slowly… This goes against the nature of life in today’s fast world! T'ai Chi Ch'uan is meant to be  relaxed and slow. The slow quality of the movements tend to naturally stretch the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.The  slow stretching and slow movements open up the body, improves circulation, and massages the internal organs and the nervous system. The entire body is involved, not just arms or legs, and when the   whole body is connected in during  practice, the more relaxation can be enjoyed.

The interaction of Yin and Yang of the internal and external movement also helps to generate energy, or Chi. The relaxation allows chi to flow through the body, releasing tension, and the slowness allows the muscles, tendons and nerves to learn and remember. But it is not just the atoms, cells, tissues, bones and muscles and tendons that are softening and relaxing, as the chi and energy flow, the structure of the mind is also changed. Thoughts feelings become more centered, more in harmony with the mind and body, and all this happens so naturally, easily.

The smooth, gentle movements also aid relaxation and help to keep the mind calm and focused. These benefits are extremely useful in today's stressful society, because when we are tense, the flow of energy is restricted, and health and well being suffer.

Generally, people feel very  good even in the very begining when they are first learning T'ai Chi Ch'uan because  the movements are relaxing, and the chi begins to flow, and can even felt. To learn more about chi please visit this page

In much the same way words and thoughts can inspire the mind to open, grow, think and learn more, T'ai Chi Ch'uan opens the body and the mind and allows the chi to flow, health to flow, energy to flow, life itself to flow.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a language of the body  and mind, a language that  allows body and mind to speak to each other. As each move in T'ai Chi Ch'uan connects directly to different parts of the body, and to the subconscious, new muscle groups are utilized which could not otherwise be accessed, and new patterns of thinking emerge.

This is one reason T'ai Chi Ch'uan is such and excellent exercise for all ages and fitness levels. It naturally allows the brain to establish new brain pathways, and as new networks are formed within the brain, and existing ones repaired,  memory and cognition improve, balance and strength improve, hand eye coordination improves. Even the breath and heart rate slow and the immune system benefits.

In the beginning, small steps need to be made. But in time, by following careful practice, by building on a strong foundation, long strides are possible. It is a continuing process, and there is no end to one’s progress.

If you, want an easy, natural way to energize your mind and body, improve your health, increase your ability to cope with stress on your body or in your life you need look no further that T'ai Chi Ch'uan.

if you start T'ai Chi Ch'uan with an open mind, and are lucky enough to have a good teacher, you can change your life in a positive direction.

©2013 TheHeartofTaiChi.com


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